Some Penn State courses are taught completely online. They are referred to as "Web courses." Some courses have a significant online component and are referred to as "blended learning" or "hybrid courses." In addition, many courses are Web- or computer-enhanced and use technology classrooms, components of Canvas, or have online elements.
Students thinking about Web course work can check their readiness by using a self-assessment and should read The Art of Schedule Planning to consider the most desirable learning environment.
Web / Online Courses
Web courses are offered through both the resident instruction and the World Campus delivery systems. Web courses do not meet in traditional classrooms, with the possible exception of scheduled examinations. A Web course may be offered by both resident instruction and the World Campus with identical course content. However, a student enrolled in a resident-instruction Web course may be expected to be on campus for a classroom experience (e.g., to take an exam) while a student enrolled in a World Campus course will not be required to be on campus for any part of the course.
Identification of Web Courses
In LionPATH Class Search web courses are identified by WEB in the Room column and TBA in the Days & Times column as shown in the example below:
By clicking on the link provided for the Class and Section, Class Details appear with WEB listed as the Instruction Mode. To search for web courses offered at a particular campus (or at all campuses), click on Additional Search Criteria in Search for Classes and select Web as the Mode of Instruction.
World Campus course selections are available in LionPATH Class Search by selecting World Campus under the “Campus” drop-down box.
Blended Learning / Hybrid Courses
Blended learning/hybrid courses combine Web and traditional classroom instruction (also referred to as "face-to-face" instruction). These courses are offered through resident instruction.
Identification of Blended Learning/Hybrid Courses
In LionPATH click on the Class or Section link.
Class Details will indicate Hybrid – Online & In Person as the Instruction Mode.
To search for hybrid courses offered at a particular campus (or at all campuses), click on Additional Search Criteria in Search for Classes and select Hybrid – Online & In Person as the Mode of Instruction.
Students can select web and hybrid courses from offerings listed for their campus in LionPATH and schedule them in the same manner as any other course. Students in residence at any Penn State location can schedule World Campus courses according to course registration priorities.
Multiple Campus Registration – Watch for Link on Registrar’s Page
Tuition rates listed on the Bursar's website apply to all credit-bearing resident instruction, Continuing Education, and World Campus courses. If World Campus (WD) is a student's primary campus, Tuition Tables are provided. Students are not charged the facilities or activities fees for a semester or session in which they are enrolled in only World Campus courses.