Schedule planning is an art form! It really is the last step in the advising process after getting to know the student’s values, interests and abilities. Good schedule planning is an important role for the adviser and is an essential advising component to the student. Students should be engaged in the decision-making process and come to the adviser with ideas and thoughts about planning their next schedule. The following suggestions are relevant to both students and academic advisers.
Schedule Planning Considerations
The following is a list of topics and considerations when schedule planning with a student:
- What are the entrance to major requirements and the student’s potential to achieve them?
- What are the course placements (English, math, world language)?
- What are the general education requirements for intended major(s)?
- What are other time variables to consider (work hours, sports, co-curricular activities, disabilities, lifestyle, etc.)?
- Characteristics of classes – consider:
- Reading, writing, computing, memorizing, projects, and papers;
- Size;
- Lecture, lab, studio, discussion; group projects;
- Online work;
- Evaluation (quizzes, type and frequency of exams) and grading.
Tip: Students could contact the instructor or department and ask for a syllabus.
- What is a manageable workload?
- Are there other ways a requirement can be or has been met (transfer credits, AP, IB)?
Resources for Schedule Planning
- The Bulletin has a great deal of information for planning a good schedule:
- General Education course listings and descriptions
- Suggested Academic Plans (semester-by-semester schedule plans)
- How to Get In (entrance to major requirements)
- Career information
- LionPATH
- What-if Report (degree audit)
- Unofficial transcript
- Transfer Credit: Report
- GPA Calculator
- Course registration, drop, add, swap, schedule builder
- Registrar
- Drop/add form (for a class that is full; other student forms at this site as well)
- Registrations information (auditing, late registration, semester classification, veterans’ priority registration, etc.)
- Registration Timetable (when can a student register for the next semester)