The persons listed below can provide information about academic programs in the following college:
Eberly College of Science
Need a contact for a different location? View the full list of University Advising Contacts.
Campus | Contact | Phone |
Abington | Ann Schmiedekamp | 215-881-7560 |
Altoona | Esther Siegfried | 814-949-3329 |
Beaver | Cassandra Miller-Butterworth | 724-773-3527 |
Behrend | Alan Jircitano | 814-898-6400 |
Berks | Katie Amaral | 610-396-6329 |
Brandywine | Elizabeth Dudkin | 610-892-1459 |
DuBois | Robert Loeb | 814-375-4739 |
Fayette | Ajay Warrier | 724-430-4262 |
Greater Allegheny | Megan Nagel | 412-675-9476 |
Harrisburg | Jessica Mosley | 717-948-6604 |
Hazleton | Chris Goguen | 570-450-3088 |
Lehigh Valley | Roger Egolf | 610-285-5110 |
Mont Alto | Lauraine Hawkins | 717-749-6237 |
New Kensington | Robert Mathers | 724-334-6741 |
Schuylkill | Darcy Medica | 570-385-6176 |
Scranton | Phuong Pham | 570-963-2564 |
Shenango | Kevin McDade | 724-983-2964 |
University Park | Carolyn Jensen | 814-863-3889 |
Wilkes-Barre | Dudley Snyder | 570-675-9267 |
York | Manel Wijesinha | 717-771-4134 |