The persons listed below can provide information about academic programs in the following college:
College of Information Sciences and Technology
Need a contact for a different location? View the full list of University Advising Contacts.
Campus | Contact | Phone |
Abington | Joe Oakes | 215-881-7567 |
Altoona | David Barnes | 814-949-5275 |
Beaver | Abbi Dutt | 724-773-3860 |
Behrend | Terri Mando | 814-898-6164 |
Berks | Tricia Clark | 610-396-6349 |
Brandywine | Nannette D'Imperio | 610-892-1344 |
DuBois | Jason Long | 814-372-3000 |
Fayette | Kevin Maxwell | 724-430-4278 |
Greater Allegheny | Galen Grimes | 412-675-9143 |
Harrisburg | Daniel Mercado | 717-948-6604 |
Hazleton | Barbara Brazon | 570-450-3089 |
Lehigh Valley | Carolina McCluskey | 610-285-5117 |
Mont Alto | John Henry | 717-749-6126 |
New Kensington | Hal Smith | 724-334-6036 |
Schuylkill | Elinor Madigan | 570-385-6076 |
Scranton |
570-963-2593 570-963-2592 |
Shenango | Lisa Bertin | 724-983-2908 |
University Park | Susan Agee | 814-865-8947 |
Wilkes-Barre | Frouke de Quillettes | 570-675-9277 |
York | Bob Bartell | 717-771-4140 |