The persons listed below can provide information about academic programs in the following college:
Smeal College of Business
Need a contact for a different location? View the full list of University Advising Contacts.
Campus | Contact | Phone |
Abington | Thomas Stone | 215-421-0030 |
Altoona | Deborah Hommer | 814-949-5265 |
Beaver | Karen Barr | 724-773-3869 |
Behrend | Linda Hajec | 814-989-6102 |
Berks | Ada Leung | 610-396-6186 |
Brandywine | Christina Olear | 610-892-1454 |
DuBois | ||
Fayette | Michael Ridenour | 724-430-4100 |
Greater Allegheny | Young Bae | 412-675-9055 |
Harrisburg | Sabri Yilmaz | 717-948-6157 |
Hazleton | Sherry Robinson | 570-450-3559 |
Lehigh Valley | Denise Ogden | 610-285-5156 |
Mont Alto | Hanafiah Harvey | 717-749-6027 |
New Kensington | Dr. Rujirutana Mandhachitara | 724-334-6769 |
Schuylkill | Gina Whalen | 570-385-6000 |
Scranton | James Wilkerson | 570-963-2643 |
Shenango | Amy Petrucci-Effinite | 724-983-2861 |
University Park | Janet Spearly | 814-863-1947 |
Wilkes-Barre | Erin Brennan | 570-675-9146 |
York | David Latzko | 717-771-4115 |