Regular Class Meeting Times
Penn State courses have regular class meetings throughout a semester or session that are scheduled in advance during specific meeting periods and in specific classrooms. However, some courses offer flexibility with web instruction or meetings by appointment.
In LionPATH students can plan a schedule with compatible class meeting times by entering courses of interest in Schedule Builder.
Courses by Appointment
Some courses do not have regular class meeting times. These courses meet by appointment APPT, as indicated in the Room column of LionPATH Class Search listing; TBA (to be announced) appears in the Days & Times column. Instruction for these courses is arranged at a time agreeable to the student and the course instructor. Students who register for courses that meet by appointment must contact the instructor or the department for information on arranging meeting times. An example follows:
Some courses have both scheduled meeting times and an APPT component. These courses have a regular class meeting time and an appointment time arranged at the convenience of the student (considered to be part of his/her in-class requirement). Information on scheduling the appointment component is provided when students attend the first scheduled class. An example follows:
Courses on the Web
Web courses typically have no scheduled meeting times.
Blended learning/hybrid courses offer a combination of class meetings and web instruction.