Advising Network Contacts - University Park Campus

University Park Campus

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The persons listed below can provide information about the following colleges:

Listing of Advising Contacts for various colleges at Penn State University
College Contact Phone
Abington College Jeff Warner 814-865-7576
Agricultural Sciences Matt Stumpf 814-865-7521
Altoona College Jeff Warner 814-865-7576
Arts & Architecture Kyrie Harding 814-865-9523
Behrend College Jeff Warner 814-865-7576
Berks College Jeff Warner 814-865-7576
Smeal College of Business Janet Spearly 814-863-1947
Capital College Jeff Warner 814-865-7576
Communications Jamey Perry 814-865-1591
Division of Undergraduate Studies Jeff Warner 814-865-7576
Earth & Mineral Sciences Hilleary Himes 814-863-2751
Education Greg Mason 814-865-0488
Engineering Kellie Scofield 814-863-1033
Health & Human Development Jeff Hill 814-865-2156
Information Sciences & Technology Susan Agee 814-865-8947
The Liberal Arts Greg Nolan 814-863-2112
College of Nursing Kris Conn 814-863-8185
Eberly College of Science Carolyn Jensen 814-863-3889
University College Penny Carlson 814-863-0327